
目前显示的是 五月, 2017的博文
Have you heard about 9S management? There are still 16S! Numerical Control Technology of Daniel  Tip: click on the top of the "Daniel NC technology" ↑ free subscription to the print 9S meaning (SAICY) VII, service (SERVERc) 8, satisfaction (SATISFICATl0N) 9, the safety (SAFETY) Literacy (SHITSIJKE) 9S purpose First, to promote the efficiency of the increase Second, improve the turnover rate of parts in the library Third, reduce production costs Fourth, shorten the operating cycle, to ensure delivery 5, to reduce until the elimination of failure to protect the quality Sixth, to ensure the safety of enterprises Seven, improve the level of service, to win customers favor 8, to improve the spirit of the staff, so that the vitality of the organization on behalf of Nine, strengthen self-management 9S management of the key First, the establishment of the authority of managers Second, the managers to conduct regular on-site inspection Third, full participatio
High-level not ruthless, middle is not bad, exhausted army Management that is simple, that is, "error correction", so that those who do wrong to understand their own mistakes in order to more efficient work. But people are lazy, lazy, eat soft and so hard, etc., these are most people may be more or less the phenomenon of existence. You have to correct the mistakes of others, you have to severely criticize, and even punish those who do wrong things, this is what we say the bad guys - not afraid of offending people. Otherwise the other party may not put their own "error" on the heart. This is very realistic and obvious truth. But the enterprise management dare, good at doing bad people very few people, most people are willing to do good people. This is the biggest dilemma we face in management: both want to manage efficiently and do not want to offend people. \ Middle is not bad, exhausted army \ Middle-level cadres under the revelation, if they do not want to
Why does stainless steel rust? Read epiphany Why stainless steel is also rusty? When the surface of stainless steel pipe appears brown rust (point) when people were surprised: that "stainless steel is not rusty, rust is not stainless steel, steel may be a problem." In fact, this is a lack of understanding of stainless steel a one-sided error view. Stainless steel under certain conditions will be rusty. Stainless steel has the ability to resist atmospheric oxidation - that is, stainless steel, but also in the acid, alkali, salt medium is the ability to corrosion - that is, corrosion resistance. But its corrosion resistance is the size of its steel chemical composition, protection status, the use of conditions and environmental media type and change. Such as 304 steel pipe, in the dry and clean atmosphere, there is absolutely excellent resistance to corrosion, but it moved to the beach area, in a large amount of salt containing sea fog, will soon rust; and 316 steel perfor
With this technology, the factory will no longer stop accidentally What is the loss of the business that is not in the expected downtime? To car manufacturing, for example, hundreds of robots in a workshop collaboration production, if a shutdown, it will cause the entire production line paralysis. It is estimated that the vehicle factory in the event of an unexpected shutdown, the average will produce more than 20,000 US dollars per minute loss. In addition to stable and reliable production equipment and timely maintenance, the use of Internet of Things technology to enhance the efficiency and stability of the production line is the future direction. Through the Internet of Things, the production workshop of the underlying equipment all connected to the network which, and then through the cloud to collect and analyze the data, so that production managers can monitor and monitor the real-time equipment in the field of the operation of the scene, thereby enhancing the level of on
The mechanic must know 10 quality indicators Mechanical work will touch a lot of indicators every day, but every day in the mouth of the indicators you really know it, and know why? Before the explanation to do a survey to see if we are not aware of the following concepts of the definition, purpose, calculation formula and which related to the technical terms. First, the rejection rate definition: The percentage is determined by dividing the cost of the waste material by the total production cost or by the total quantity of the waste divided by the total production quantity of the product. purpose: Used as a measure of the results to determine whether the process is in accordance with the standardization of parts production and assembly. formula: Percentage of rejects = (amount of waste material / total production cost) × 100% or (total amount of waste / total production quantity) × 100%. the term: Waste Material Amount: The value of the material used for the waste. Tota
Some Skills and Experiences of CNC Lathe Machining First, programming skills Because I plant on the processing of products require a higher precision, so the programming need to consider the following issues: 1. Processing order of parts: The first flat after drilling (which is to prevent drilling when the shrinkage); First rough car, and then fine car (this is to ensure the accuracy of parts); The first processing tolerances are large for the final machining tolerances (this is to ensure that the small tolerance surface is not scratched and the parts are deformed). 2. According to the hardness of the material to choose a reasonable speed, feed and cutting depth: 1) carbon steel material selection high speed, high feed, large cutting depth. Such as: 1Gr11, select S1600, F0.2, cut deep 2mm; 2) Carbide Select low speed, low feed, small cut deep. Such as: GH4033, select S800, F0.08, cut depth 0.5mm; 3) titanium alloy selection low speed, high feed, small cut deep. Such a
All mechanical quality of the soul - heat treatment knowledge A little knowledge of the mechanical person should know that heat treatment is to give the inherent quality of the soul of the machine, China's mechanical processing is not bad, but the heat treatment level yet to be improved, burning it, the robot when the self- Metal heat treatment is one of the important processes in mechanical manufacturing. Compared with other processing technologies, heat treatment generally does not change the shape and overall chemical composition of the workpiece, but by changing the microstructure inside the workpiece or changing the chemical composition of the workpiece surface , To give or improve the use of the workpiece performance. Which is characterized by improving the intrinsic quality of the workpiece, which is generally not visible to the naked eye. Heat treatment process generally includes heating, heat preservation, cooling three processes, sometimes only heating and cooling
You have been wrong before: these things are not invented for you! Coca Cola US veterans of the civil war, but also the pharmacist of John Pemberton from the cola and coca leaf extract, was to do medical syrup. Later, he found that this syrup unique taste, and carbonated water mixed better, so as a beverage sales. And then another businessman will buy the formula, the Coca-Cola into a world-class drinks Black dress Until the 1920s, black clothing was a symbol of mourning. In 1926, cocoa Chanel sewing a little black dress, to commemorate the lover, won the Vogue praise. After the black dress by the film industry attention, and popular in the world Karaoke OK Japanese rock musician Daisuke Inoue, playing music for a cafe, so that customers can follow the singing. Once he was unable to attend, let the colleague use the tape instead. In 1971, he invented a machine that could play music without vocals, which was the prototype of karaoke Treadmill The prototype of the mod
Ten Common Problems in Deep Hole Machining and Their Solutions In the process of deep hole processing, often appear in the workpiece size accuracy, surface quality and tool life and other issues, how to reduce or even avoid these problems, is our urgent problem to be solved, the following summary of the deep hole processing in the common 10 kinds of problems and solutions. 1. The aperture increases and the error is large 1) cause Reamer outer diameter design value is too large or hinge cutting edge of the burr; cutting speed is too high; improper feed or processing margin is too large; reamer main angle is too large; reamer bending; hinge cutting edge stick The cutting fluid selection is not appropriate; installation reamer when the taper shank surface oil is not wiped clean or tapered bumps; taper shank flat tail offset loading Machine spindle spindle taper shank cone interference; spindle bending or spindle bearing too loose or damaged; Reamer floating is not flexible; and t
PLC control of the basic working principle, classification The basic working principle of PLC one). PLC with "sequential scanning, continuous cycle" work 1. Each scan process. Focus on the input signal sampling. Focus on the output signal to refresh. 2. Enter the refresh process. When the input port is closed, the program in the implementation phase, the input has a new state, the new state can not be read. The new state is read only when the next scan is made. 3. A scan cycle is divided into input samples, program execution, and output refresh. 4. The contents of the component map register are changed as the execution of the program changes. 5. The length of the scan cycle is determined by three. (1) the speed at which the CPU executes the instruction (2) the time of the instruction itself (3) the number of instructions 6. Due to the use of centralized sampling. Centralized output of the way. There is a phenomenon of input / output hysteresis, that is
Understand the management of technology, this is the real mold project talent! Mold project integrated talents too little. Understand the management do not understand the technology, rhetoric is very easy in the technical aspects of the problem; understand the technology is not good at management, will not do the document, not with the customer communication .... An excellent mold project engineer is qualified for these tasks: customer follow-up, progress control, test mode review, program improvement (from quotation, design, processing technology, test quality analysis, customer service, etc.), the ability to deal with problems, There are cost, time, quality concept, for the development of mold factory to provide help. First, open before the review 1. When the project department receives the marketing department notice form, you must first understand the following things (1) the surface requirements of the product: is the mirror? Plating surface Sunny Flame pattern Provinci
Site management 10 rule Site management, the basic elements are only three: people, things, places; scene situation ever-changing, summed up only "two streams": logistics and information flow; as a site manager - production director, workshop director, team leader , Must be these three elements and two streams for detailed analysis and research, from which to find the problem, analyze the reasons, to find the answer to solve the problem. Simple to say is: the process flow check; plan a tune up; production line count; action sub-elements minus one; handling air pressure when a pressure; man-machine efficiency mention; key line shrink shrink; Change; change; visual management to see; the root of the problem to find a look. The purpose of this paper is to provide field managers with a way to analyze and create ideas and tools for on-site management, master it, and perhaps spend a penny, from the scientific management to efficiency and efficiency. 1. Process flow check Des